Calvary Chapel Helsinki is a non-denominational church with a heavy emphasis on the teaching of the Word of God. We consider the Bible to be both inspired and inerrant, and as such, the only solid foundation for life and doctrine.
Our teaching style directly reflects this belief: we teach the Bible expositorily and systematically book by book, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. This means that our sermons are aimed at explaining and detailing the meaning of the scriptural text in its own context.
The services are structured around the sermon. We usually begin by worshiping the Lord through music and prayer in order to prepare our hearts to meet the Lord at his Word. After the worship and sermon we also usually end with music and prayer.
At the end of the service we also leave time for fellowship, coffee and discussion. We consider this a vital part of the service: it gives us, the Body of Christ, an opportunity to exercise our gifts and mutually encourage one another.
We welcome you to come and worship the Lord with us!